Dongguan Jiuheyuan Hardware Products Co., Ltd.
One-stop Provider of Belt, Luggage and Hardware Button

What is the market prospect of belt automatic buckle?

Nowadays people are more and more pursuing fashion clothes, and accessories such as belt automatic buckle are more and more popular with consumers. In order to meet the needs of consumers, the garment accessories industry is also constantly developing and growing, and the market is slowly saturated! Therefore, belt automatic buckle and other accessories have become an industry, and gradually become a kind of accessories industry! uuuuuuuuuuu But what is the future of garment accessories industry today?

It depends on whether you want to be domestic or foreign. If you are domestic, you can usually choose a market for accessories. You can choose either store or office. As for rent, it depends on the variety and inventory you make, and the customer must be a garment factory that can be used.

Although the price of raw materials in the market is constantly changing, the belt automatic buckle business is still good because the company wants customers. Very passive, all kinds of costs are rising, unit prices can not rise, there are many peers; and the factory is afraid of safety accidents; once a machine hit the hands of workers, ah what, it will be headache; troubles continue. To be prepared for this kind of psychology, we should consider it. Whatever business you do is good or not. It depends on how you operate it.

Regular belt automatic buckle manufacturers have abundant supply and good attitude. If they cooperate for a long time, they can generally win unsalable exchange. But generally speaking, belt automatic buckle manufacturers have a higher initial batch, which is not suitable for small wholesale customers. If you have enough capital reserve, and there is no risk of pressure or fear of pressure, then go to the manufacturer to purchase.

Usually with Baidu, GOOGLE can find a lot. They are usually supplied directly by the manufacturer, and the supply is relatively stable. What is insufficient is that because they have become bigger and have more orders, the service will inevitably fail to keep up sometimes. And they usually have regular repeat customers, not afraid of no wholesaler, you can hardly negotiate with them, unless you set more times, become a big customer of his, there may be a special discount or discount. Worst of all, their delivery speed and exchange attitude are often quite different. It's understandable that orders can be shipped more slowly, as long as we advance the order a little. The real problem is the exchange of goods. Sometimes it is unavoidable to receive something with some flaws, especially ornaments. Therefore, we should make full communication and consultation beforehand.

This kind of belt automatic buckle wholesaler has no fixed wholesale customers and is not well-known because it has just started. In order to win customers, their initial batch size is small, the price is generally not higher than or even lower than that of some commodities wholesalers. You can also discuss terms with them based on your experience in purchasing goods, such as price and exchange. It doesn't matter if they disagree with your terms, but maybe they agree, or they can reach an intermediate agreement. And in order to win back customers, their after-sales service is generally better. What's insufficient is that they are new wholesalers, so we should know their integrity well. You can go to the message board to see what other people think of them, or you can ask them to issue their own creditworthiness certificates.

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